Day |
Contents |
(July 22, Monday) |
- Lecture by Donald Janelle and Mei-Po Kwan:
Concepts and measures of accessibility: Integrating GIS into accessibility studies
- Guest lecture by James Moody, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University
Introduction to ArcGIS
Introduction to Maptitude
Network Access
(July 23, Tuesday) |
- Lecture by Morton O�Kelly:
Planar Access - Network Access
Examples: Population trends, periodic market, link and nodal accessibility, paths, social networks, Internet connectivity
- Guest lecture by Stephen Matthews, Director, Geographic Information Analysis Core Population Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University
- Lab session by Morton O'Kelly and Tim Matisziw:
Distance measurement, network connections, and mapping network nodes
Spatial Interaction Modeling
(July 24, Wednesday) |
- Lecture by Michael Tiefelsdorf:
Spatial interaction and temporal patterns: Statistical estimation and incorporation of GIS
Examples: Migration and commuting patterns
Spatial interaction data are explored, an interaction model is specified and calibrated, and the resulting model parameters as well as the model residuals are visualized and analyzed
Space-Time Accessibility
(July 25, Thursday) |
Time Geography: Concepts and measurement of Space-Time individual accessibility
Examples: Access to jobs, urban opportunities, transportation
Creating density surface, measurement and visualization of space-time accessibility
Public Transportation
(July 26, Friday)
Introduction to public transportation - Introduction of location set covering model - Integrating GIS and location set covering model - Policy and implication for social equity
Examples: Public transportation and policy analysis
Guest lecture by Irene Casas, Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo
Lab session by Alan Murray, Robert Forrest and Hyun-Mi Kim:
Evaluate access, integrated location model in ArcGIS, interpretation of results
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