Description | Agenda | Participants & Papers
Globalization in the World-System: Mapping Change Over Time
University of California, Riverside, CA
February 7-8, 2004
Organizers Richard Appelbaum, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Helen Couclelis
The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara,
and at The University of California, Riverside: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Chancellor, Institute for Research on World-Systems, and Program on Global Studies
This workshop will bring together about thirty scholars with a substantive or methodological interest in the study of global-scale socioeconomic processes across time and space. The group will be composed of empirically oriented scholars of global social processes and several experts on geographic information science and network analysis. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage participants to develop ideas for research projects on the structure and dynamics of globalization using new research technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial analysis methods (including network analysis), and sources of geographic information not usually employed by globalization researchers. Geologists, climatologists and other earth scientists have long used GIS and related methods along with geocoded data at the global scale, but social-science work on globalization phenomena that explicitly utilizes such methods is still quite rare. This workshop will bring researchers together to help generate ideas for new globalization research projects that make use of GIS methods, spatial analysis including formal network analysis, and scientific visualization techniques such as “time-mapping.”
Particularly relevant to the objectives of the workshop are worldwide studies of evolving social processes, and projects that explicitly compare recent global processes with those that have operated in the past. We are also interested in mapping and more generally, graphically representing the spatial scale and intensity of human interaction networks in order to study the emergence of global integration and its cross-temporal characteristics. We hope that new research projects that use novel methods developed in geographic information science will eventually emerge from the workshop.
The program will open with a keynote address by Michael Goodchild of the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences at UC Santa Barbara, and will consist of five topical sessions built around 15-minute paper presentations. Each topical session will have two discussants, one familiar with geographic information science concepts and methods and the other an expert on the substantive theme of each session. There will also be a final session for brainstorming about possible research projects that capitalize on new ways to study globalization using GIS and related spatial analysis techniques.
The workshop’s five topical sessions will be on:
- Commodity Chains and Labor in the World Economy
- Global Business Networks
- Global City Systems
- Hegemony and Power Configurations in Interstate Systems
- Global Transportation and Communications Networks
For more in depth information go to the Time-mapping Globalization in the World-System Website at The Institute for Research on World-Systems (IROWS)