Description | Schedule | Participants & Papers | Proceedings | Additional Resources
Agent-based Models of Land Use / Land Cover Change - Schedule
Thursday, 3:00-6:00 at the Hyatt
Short presentations
- Jim Opaluch
Alfons Balmann presenting Adjustment Costs of Agri- Environmental Policy Switchings
A Multi-Agent-Approach [PDF, 257k]
Thomas Berger presenting Multiple-Agent Modeling Applied to Agro-Ecological
Development [PDF, 520k]
Peter Deadman presenting Agent Based Simulations of the Effects of Household Structure on Patterns of Land Use Change in the Brazilian Amazon [PDF, 352k]
- Daniel G. Brown presenting Project SLUCE: Spatial Land Use Change and Ecological Effects
[PDF, 1.4 MB]
- Gary Polhill presenting FEARLUS: An Agent-Based Model of Land Use [PDF, 172k]
Patrick D’Aquino presenting Linking Role-playing Games, GIS and MAS to Accompany
Governing Processes in Land Use Management: The SelfCormas Experiment in the Senegal River Valley [PDF, 438k] Accompanying Paper [PDF, 331k]
Steve Manson presenting Agent Based Approaches to Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region of Mexico [PDF, 645k]
- Dawn Parker presenting Biocomplexity Project Overview [PDF, 652k]
Saturday, 2:45-4:30 at the Beckman center
Break-out session followed by group discussion
- What lessons have we learned for MAS/LUCC models from the NAS sessions?
Sunday, 8:30-10:00 at the Hyatt Goals and Models
Break-out groups followed by summaries and discussion
What are our goals for the workshop?
LUCC working paper goals
Potential follow-up activities: - CSISS expert meeting? - NAS Colloquium? - Special journal issue? - Listserve and enhanced web site
What are the potential strengths of MAS/LUCC models? What is the most appropriate role for such models?
Dealing with space and time Process discovery vs. policy analysis Levels of abstraction
10:00-10:15 -- Coffee break
10:15-Noon -- Linking models to data
Break-out groups followed by summaries and discussion
How can models be parameterized?
Data from outside the system: surveys, experiments, statistical models, GIS coverages
Data gathered within the system: same sources
- What are the compatibilities and synergies of alternative modeling techniques?
What are the special challenges for model verification for MAS/LUCC models?
Understanding systems that can't be analytically explored
Understanding systems with non-linearities, complex feedbacks, and multiple equilibria
Identifying problems of parameter identification (i.e., an outcome may have several observationally equivalent possible causes)
What are possible techniques for model validation (i.e., comparing generated and actual landscapes and behavior)?
Landscape comparisons -- existing techniques and possible innovations
Behavioral comparisons
What are important issues with respect to spatial and temporal scale that must be considered in model parameterization, verification, and validation?
What empirical challenges are unique to MAS/LUCC models?
1:00-3:00 Infrastructure Development
New break-out groups followed by summaries and discussion
What tools have researchers used and explored?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of these tools?
What enhancements are needed?
What coordination or investments would be helpful?
3:00-3:15 -- Coffee Break
- Modeling human decision making (discussed)
- Modeling socio-political phenomena (institutions, group decision making, etc�) (discussed)
- Modeling land markets and alternative land allocation strategies (discussed)
- Modeling endogenous rule formation
- What can�t we use ABM models for?
- What non-human entities can be represented as agents?
- What should be endogenous and exogenous to our models?
5:00-5:30 -- Closing discussion
- Potential publication outlets
- Development of enhanced web site
- Possible future workshops, conference venues
Other communication strategies