Advanced Spatial Analysis

This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005?2013). Current resources in support of
Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:


Spatial Analysis Tools

The NICHD GIS Population Science Program maintains contacts with leading academic and commercial producers of software of importance to research on the spatial dimensions of traditional demographic themes. The links below provide access to software tools of special value in depicting and analyzing demographic patterns spatially.

If you have suggestions to include on this site please send them to .

Featured Tools

    ArcGIS- is an integrated collection of GIS software products that offer a standards-based platform for spatial analysis, data management, and mapping.
    ArcGIS - Geostatistical Analyst- is an extension to ArcGIS desktop that provides tools for spatial data exploration and surface generation.
    ArcGIS - Spatial Analyst- an extension for ArcGIS that includes tools for raster-based (cell-based) spatial modeling and analysis.
    GeoDa?- developed by Luc Anselin and colleagues.
    CrimeSTAT- A spatial statistics program for the analysis of crime incident locations and other data represented as points.
    WinBUGS / GeoBUGS- Estimation of models (including spatial models) by means of the Gibbs sampler/Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.

  • TerraSeer
    ClusterSeer provides state-of-the-art statistics for evaluating disease clusters in space and time.
  • GeoVista Studio Project
    An open software development environment for geospatial data analysis, exploratory spatial data analysis and knowledge discovery.
    Software for analysis and display of spatial data.
  • QGIS
    Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS).
  • S+SpatialStats
    Add on to the S-Plus statistical package to carry out point pattern analysis, geostatistical analysis and spatial regression in an object-oriented framework.
  • Spatial Analysis for Macroecology
    SAM is a compact but robust computer program designed as a package of statistical tools for spatial analysis, mainly for applications in Macroecology and Biogeography.
  • Spatial Analysis Utilities
    The main aim of Spatial Analysis Utilities (SAU) is to accomplish in a quick and easy manner the entire quantitative process. The philosophy of the software is to provide conclusive statistical data to novice GIS users with just a few clicks.
  • STARS: Space Time Analysis of Regional Systems
    STARS is an exploratory data analysis package designed for variables measured on geographical units over time.
  • Tobler's Flow Mapper
    Flow Mapper allows for depiction of flows on a map by arrows scaled to the levels of interaction among spatial units (e.g., migration flows).
  • A listing of GIS Software on Wikipedia.

    For a listing of GIS commercial products, see

    For a listing of open-source GIS products, see