Metadata Details

Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (workshop video selections)
Contributed by Luc Anselin
version final 
status Final 
rights_restrictions yes 
rights_description Copyright � 2001 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara; and Luc Anselin, educational and instructional uses only 
rights_cost no 
resource_type Lecture Materials 
metametadata_contributor_role Creator 
metametadata_contributor_entity David Fearon, 
metametadata_contributor_date 2002-09-12 
learning_time 2:00:00 
keywords workshops, spatial data analysis, Moran\'s I, spatial autocorrelation, streaming video, spatial statistic, spatial analysis, spatial econometrics 
format text/html 
end_user_role teacher; student 
description Short video clips of Dr. Anselin\'s lectures in the ICPSR workshop Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis, focusing on Moran\'s I statistic. This is one of many measures of spatial autocorrelation used for spatial analysis in the social sciences. Clips require RealPlayer. 
CSISS_interest_area spatial autocorrelation,spatial data analysis 
CSISS_discipline Economics,Geography 
contributor_role_1 Author 
contributor_entity_1 Luc Anselin 
contributor_date_1 2002-01-28 
contributor_role_2 Video Editing 
contributor_entity_2 Nick Nagle 
contributor_date_2 2002-01-28 
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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