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The websites in this collection provide spatial information, tools, and research to aid spatial analysis efforts in the social sciences. Use the form at the bottom of this page to recommend a website. We are selecting the best sites that we find, cataloging them, and annotating them for rapid search and sorting.

Using data from the Census Bureau, UCSB assistant professors Sara Fabrikant and Stuart Sweeney have created maps specific to Santa Barbara County. As reported in the News Press, their work shows that the County is more diverse than it was ten years ago.

This is the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors 2001 Supervisorial Redistricting website. This site provides the documents and information needed to prepare a Redistricting Plan, plus a variety of demographic data that can be
used to help determine the impact of proposed Supervisorial district boundary

"The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators . . .  The target audience of the Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study. The Report is divided into two parts, site annotation, and current awareness, although there may be some overlap between the two."

The University of California Berkeley's Institute for Urban and Regional Development.

"This is the entry to the Political Methodology Society, Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, and the central web site for the political methodology community. The primary purpose of this site is to serve as the gateway to the Electronic Paper Archive. From here you can view abstacts of conference papers online, and download papers for local printing."

This is the website of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, with extensive online journal holdings.   Major headings include Organizational Information, Education, Initiatives, Publications, and Resources.  Under education there is an extensive discussion about Professional GIS certification, which is an important current issue.

"The Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1968. The Institute's goals are to sharpen thinking about society's problems and efforts to solve them, improve government decisions and their implementation, and increase citizens'  awareness about important public choices . . .   Leaving politics to others, the Urban Institute brings three critical ingredients to public debates on domestic policy initiatives: accurate data,  careful and objective analyses, and perspective.  Our staff also evaluates government programs�practical work that grounds our policy  research in the experiences of the people who create, run, and use these programs.  Our strong suits are rigorous analysis, innovative methodology, fresh thinking, and technical expertise. Much of our research spans several disciplines and blends quantitative and qualitative approaches to problem-solving. We are involved in research projects with partners in more than 45 states and 20 countries."

"The Social Science Data Analysis Network makes the latest US census surveys and demographic trends accessible to educators,
 policymakers, the media, and students at all  levels.   SSDAN is a university based project located at Center for Social and Demographic Analysis, SUNY - Albany and the Population Studies Center, University of Michigan.

The American Historical Association website with online journal and newsletter access and extensive resources on history education.

An extensive online data archive hosted by the Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

"The Social Science Computing Cooperative has developed over the past 20 years to provide computing services to organizations in the social sciences on the Madison campus."  This website has extensive documentation on social science computing and analysis.

"CDE is a multi-disciplinary faculty research cooperative for social scientific demographic research whose membership includes sociologists, rural sociologists, economists, epidemiologists, and statisticians. CDE is one of the leading centers of social science research in the world, as indicated by the scholarly productivity of its faculty, the level of extramural funding secured by researchers, the production and distribution of high quality demographic data, and the quality of its graduate training program. The intellectual and collegial environment of the Center makes it an exciting and stimulating place in which to conduct research."

This is the website for  SpaceStat� "software for spatial data analysis and related services", developed by Luc Anselin and distributed by BioMedware, Inc.  The website has demonstations, ordering information, training information, feature summaries, and contact information.   "The SpaceStat software for the analysis of spatial data was developed and written by Luc Anselin. It grew out of the need to develop special-purpose nonlinear optimization routines to obtain maximum likelihood estimates for the spatial autoregressive regression models covered in Anselin's doctoral dissertation (Anselin 1980). Since then, the original set of Fortran subroutines has grown into a collection of functions to carry out spatial statistical and econometric analyses for so-called lattice data, i.e., observations for a fixed and given set of locations in space. The major development of SpaceStat, and its release as a software package occurred in the early 1990s at the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The program was completely rewritten and considerably extended to incorporate all the tests and estimation procedures covered in Anselin (1988). The first beta release appeared in May 1991 (earlier versions of the software had been made available to interested users since about 1988), and the package was officially released and distributed by NCGIA in December 1992 (Anselin, 1992)."

Website to accompany the text  "Using The Web for Social Research" by Craig McKie, Carleton University, .  McKie's book and this website have extensive information about web-based resources in 20 social science disciplines and research areas.  This domain name used to host the Universal Codex for the Social Sciences.

RSSS is Australia's major institution for theoretical and empirical research in the social sciences, and is also a significant presence in the nation's postgraduate and postdoctoral training activities in the disciplines represented in the School. It provides a distinctive multi-disciplinary environment for research, including presences in economics, political science, urban and environmental studies, history, philosophy, demography, sociology, and law.

Do you have a website to recommend?

Please notify us, using the form below. We will review it, catalog it, and add it to our collection. Here are some of the questions we consider when evaluating web resources:

Content & Evaluation

  • Are the Information and the links provided complete and accurate?

  • Are the links relevant and appropriate for the site?

  • Is there an appropriate balance between inward-pointing links ("inlinks" i.e., within the same site)& outward-pointing links ("outlinks" i.e., to other sites)?

  • Are the links comprehensive or do they just provide a sampler?

  • Is multimedia appropriately incorporated?

  • How valuable is the information provided in the Web Page (intrinsic value)?

Source & Date

  • Is any sort of bias evident?

  • When was the Web item produced?

  • When was the Web item last revised?

  • How reliable are the links; are there blind links, or references to sites which have moved?

  • Is contact information for the author or producer included in the document?


  • Does the document follow good graphic design principles?

  • Do the icons clearly represent what is intended?

  • Can the text stand alone for use in line-mode (text only) Web browsers as well as multimedia browsers, or is there an option for line-mode browsers?

  • Is attention paid to the needs of the disabled -- e.g., large print and graphics options; audio; alternative text for graphics?

  • Are links provided to Web "subject trees" or directories -- lists of subject-arranged Web sources?

  • How usable is the site? Can visitors get the information they need within a reasonable number of links (preferably 3 or fewer clicks)?

When entering a URL, please follow these guidelines

  • The URL should ALWAYS begin with http:// or other valid URL specifier
  • When possible, the URL should end with a file name (even if that file name is the default index.html )
  • If the URL ends in a directory, include the trailing slash. This means writing instead of

Contact Information


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This page updated September 27, 2001