Papers and Contact Information
Luc Anselin Dept of Agricultural & Consumer Economics
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801
Email: Anselin Position Paper [TOP]
Marc Armstrong Dept of Geography, Chair
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52240
Email: Armstrong Position Paper [TOP]
Ryan Aubry Dept of Geography University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Email: [TOP]
Aileen Buckley Department of Geography
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Email: [TOP]
Keith C. Clarke Dept of Geography, Chair
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Clarke Position Paper [TOP]
Helen M. Couclelis Dept of Geography
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Couclelis Position Paper [TOP]
Michael Curry
Dept of Geography
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Curry Position Paper #1
Curry Position Paper #2
Cathryn S. Dippo
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Email: [TOP]
Mike Dobson
go2 Systems, LTD.
Irvine, CA 92612
Dobson Position Paper [TOP]
Max J. Egenhofer
Dept of Spatial Information Science & Engineering
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
Email: [TOP]
Sara Fabrikant
Dept of Geography
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Fabrikant Position Paper [TOP]
Pip Forer
Dept of Geography
University of Auckland
Auckland, PB 92019
Forer Position Paper [TOP]
Andrew U. Frank
Institute for GeoInformation
Vienna University of Technology
Vienna, Austria
Email: [TOP]
Amy K. Glasmeier
Department of Geography
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Glasmeier Position Paper
Reg Golledge
Dept of Geography
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Golledge Position Paper [TOP]
Mike Goodchild Dept of Geography
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Email: [TOP]
Don Janelle
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Janelle Position Paper [TOP]
Cliff Kottman
Vice President and Chief Scientist
Open GIS Consortium
Clifton, VA 20124
Email: [TOP]
Mei-Po Kwan
Department of Geography
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Kwan Position Paper [TOP]
David Maguire
ESRI, Environmental Systems Research Institute
Redlands, CA 92373
Email: [TOP]
Brian Mennecke
College of Business
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Mennecke Position Paper [TOP]
Harvey Miller
Department of Geography
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Miller Position Paper [TOP]
Sarah Nusser
Department of Statistics and Statistical Laboratory
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Email: [TOP]
Harlan Onsrud
Dept of Spatial Information Science and Engineering
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04473
Onsrud Position Paper [TOP]
Jonathan Raper
Department of Information Science
City University
London, UK
Email: [TOP]
Doug Richardson
Association of American Geographers
Washington, DC 20009
Richardson Position Paper [TOP]
Gerry Rushton
Dept of Geography
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52240
Email: [TOP]
Hanan Samet
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Samet Position Paper [TOP]
Jonathan Spinney
Redlands, CA 92373
Spinney Position Paper [TOP]
Milosz Stasik
Redlands, CA 92373
Email: [TOP]
Stuart Sweeney
Dept of Geography
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Email: [TOP]
Susan Wachter
Real Estate Department
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: [TOP]