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Spatial and Social Interactions in Economics - Agenda Download as PDF

Friday, April 4:
4:00 pm

Session 1: Environmental Effects

Chair: Carol McAusland, UCSB

Using Fluctuations in Climate to Estimate the Economic Impacts of Global Warming - Olivier Deschenes, UCSB and Michael Greenstone, University of Chicago

Air Pollution, Health and Socioeconomic Status: The Effect of Outdoor Air Quality on Childhood Asthma - Matthew Neidell, University of Chicago

Discussant: Jeff Dozier, UCSB

6:30-8:00 pm

Graduate Student Reception at the hotel, sponsored by UCSB’s Graduate Division

8:00-10:00 pm

Partcipants on their own for dinner.

Saturday, April 5:
8:00-8:25 am

Continental Breakfast

8:25-8:30 am

Welcome: Peter Kuhn, UCSB

8:30-10:15 am

Session 2: Spatial Interactions among Firms and Unions

Chair: Antonio Bento, UCSB

Geographic Spillover of Unionism - Tom Holmes, University of Minnesota

Dynamics of Local Interaction Models: Persistence and Propagation of Local Shocks - Giorgio Topa, New York University

Discussant: Enrico Moretti, UCLA

10:15-10:30 am


10:30-12:30 pm

Session 3: Econometric Issues

Chair: Doug Steigerwald, UCSB

Spatial Correlation Robust Inference without Perfect Distance Measurements - Tim Conley, Chicago Graduate School of Business and Francesca Molinari, Northwestern University

Multinomial Choice with Social Interactions - Steve Durlauf and William Brock, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Discussant: Jack Porter, Harvard University

12:30-1:30 pm

Lunch at the Upham

1:30-3:00 pm

Session 4: New Directions in Spatial Research

New Technologies for Collecting Spatial Data - Mike Goodchild, UCSB

Software for spatial econometrics: a review and assessment - Luc Anselin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Emerging Funding Opportunities for Spatial Research in Social Science - Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong, National Science Foundation

Discussion co-ordinator: Peter Kuhn, UCSB

3:00-3:30 pm


3:30-5:30 pm

Session 5: Social Interactions in the Classroom

Chair: Kelly Bedard, UCSB

How Important are Classroom Peer Effects? - Kevin Lang, Boston University and Joshua Angrist, MIT

Good Principals or Good Peers? Parental Valuation of School Characteristics, Tiebout Equilibrium, and the Incentive Effects of Competition among Jurisdictions - Jesse Rothstein, UC Berkeley

Discussant: Julian Betts,UC San Diego

5:30-8:00 pm

Down Time

8:00 pm onwards

Conference dinner at:

1325 State Street
Santa Barbara 805-966-9676


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