Advanced Spatial Analysis

PSU 2005 May 29-June 11, 2005: University Park, PA

Workshop Agenda

This tentative agenda is intended to give applicants an idea of the general format and content of the workshop. It will be modified periodically to provide more detail on the workshop content, instructors, and participants. Note: All PDF documents are password protected.

Week One

Sunday, May 29

Morning - Afternoon: 8:30am - 5:00pm

Arrival - Memorial Day weekend, plan accordingly


Welcome Reception - Group Assignments (Groups A, B, C & D formed)

Group A - Ernesto Amaral, Agbessi Amouzou, Rhonda BeLue, Henry Carretta, Jeronimo Muniz, Diem Tran
Group B - Mathew Creighton, Maren Andrea Jimenez, Baochang Liu, Seth McKee, Kelvin Pollard, Melissa Scopilliti
Group C - Amy Bailey, Katherine Bartley, Jason Fletcher, Everett Henderson, Vladimir Canudas Romo, Tse-chuan Yang
Group D - Gniesha Dinwiddie, Laryssa Mykyta, Tom Owuor, Dean Steger, Laura Tach, Andrew Timleck

Welcome Presentation (357kb) - Stephen Matthews

Monday, May 30

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Introductions - Stephen Matthews

Short Introduction (1.67MB) - Stephen Matthews

Resources and Starting Places (1.43MB) - Stephen Matthews

Group A Presentations (9:30am)
"Spatial approaches in health care utilization and fertility research"
Group B Presentations (11:00am)
"Spatial perspectives on poverty, race/ethnicity, inequality"
Discussants: Stephen Matthews & PRI colleagues

Reminder - Memorial Day

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Group C Presentations (1:30pm)
"Spatial methods in migration and health research"
Group D Presentations (3:00pm)
"Spatial perspectives on social inequality, community and health"
Discussants: Stephen Matthews & PRI colleagues


Breakout Groups for instructors (and faculty) to participate

Tuesday, May 31

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Beth Fletcher King assisted by Alistair Geddes.
Exploring GIS Concepts
Displaying Data

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Beth Fletcher King assisted by Alistair Geddes.
Querying your database
Working with spatial data


Breakout Groups for instructors (and faculty) to participate

Wednesday, June 1

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Beth Fletcher King assisted by Alistair Geddes.
Working with tables
Editing data

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Beth Fletcher King assisted by Alistair Geddes.
Working with geo-referenced data
Presenting data


Breakout Groups for instructors (and faculty) to participate

Coupling ethnography and GIS in Family and Neighborhood Research - Stephen Matthews (7:30pm)

Background Reading (password protected):
Viewing People and Places: Coupling Geographic Information Analysis Techniques with Ethnographic Research (250kb)
Figures for reading above (357kb)

Thursday, June 2

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Geospatial Data Sources - Stephen Matthews

Links and Data Sources (35kb) - Stephen Matthews

Cartographic Theory/ Geovisualization - James Macgill

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

GeoVista Studio Lab - James Macgill


Confidentiality and Spatially Explicit Data (2.4MB) - Deborak Balk (CIESIN)

Background Reading (password protected):
Geographically Masking Health Data to Preserve Confidentiality (385kb)
Conflicting Demand (1.36MB)

Friday, June 3

Morning: 8:30am - 11:30pm

Data Sources and Access - Deborah Balk (CIESIN)

Background Reading (password protected):

A Spatial Analysis of Childhood Mortality in West Africa (5.2MB)
The Distribution of People and the Dimension of Place (155kb)

Spatial Analysis: A Roadmap (1.7MB) - David O'Sullivan

Afternoon: 12:30pm - 5:00pm

An Introduction to GPS - Michelle Zeiders (In preparation for the geocaching tour on Sunday.)

CSISS Tools: Software Overview - Stephen Matthews

GeoDa (1.15MB) - Stephen Matthews

Individual Exploration of Data and Software Tools - A.N. Other and/or Stephen Matthews

Taking Stock and Thinking Ahead


Free Time

Saturday, June 4

Morning - Evening

Free Time


Week Two

Sunday, June 5

Morning - Afternoon: 8:30am - 5:00pm

Geocaching Team Competition (using GPS)



Monday, June 6

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Spatial Analysis and Statistics - Michael Goodchild
Goodchild Presentation (5.5MB)

Background Reading (password protected):
Query, measurement, and transformation (14MB)
Descriptive summary, design, and inference (14MB)
Spatial modeling with GIS (8MB)

A Spatial Approach for Malaria Risk Assessment - Marcia Caldas de Castro

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Lab Exercises

Point Pattern Analysis - Marcia Caldas de Castro

Background Reading (password protected):
Agricultural Colonization and Malaria on the Amazon Frontier (16.8MB)
Local Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics: Distributional Issues and an Application (751kb)
The Analysis of Spatial Association by use of Distance Statistics (742kb)
Spatial Analysis in Epidemiology: Nascent Science or a Failure of GIS? (72kb)


Invited Speaker (TBA)

Tuesday, June 7

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Issues, Limitations, and Problems - Michael Goodchild
Areal Interpolation and Spatial Convolution (527kb)

Background Reading (password protected):
The future of GIS and spatial analysis (140kb)

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Individual Projects - In lab all afternoon

Group A Consultation - 1:00pm

Group B Consultation - 3:00pm


Breakout Groups for instructors (and faculty) to participate

Wednesday, June 8

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Individual Projects - In lab all morning

Group C Consultation - 9:00am

Group D Consultation - 11:00am

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Individual Projects - In lab all afternoon

Thursday, June 9

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Mini-Demography Conference on Spatial Demography - Participant-led presentations

Session I - "Spatial perspectives on social inequality, community and health"
(8:30 - 10:00am)

Session II - "Spatial methods in migration and health research"
( 10:30am - 12:00pm)

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Mini-Demography Conference on Spatial Demography - Participant-led presentations

Session III - "Spatial perspectives on poverty, race/ethnicity, inequality"
(1:30 - 3:00pm)

Session IV - "Spatial approaches in health care utilization and fertility research"
(3:30 - 5:00pm)

Friday, June 10

Morning: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Mini-Demography Conference on Spatial Demography

Making Sense of Location: Space in Social Science Research (7.5MB) - John Logan, Panel (workshop participants)

Background Reading (password protected):
Immigrant Enclaves and Ethnic Communities in New York and Los Angeles (3.3MB)
Segregation in Neighborhoods and Schools: Impacts on Minority Children in the Boston Region (420kb)
Neighborhood Mechanisms and the Spatial Dynamics of Birth Weight (570kb)
Variations in Immigrant Incorporation in the Neighborhoods of Amsterdam (1.7MB)

Spatial Inequality: A Comparative, Subnational Approach (5.6MB) - Linda Lobao,Panel (workshop participants)

Background Reading (password protected):
Continuity and Change in Place Stratification (494kb)
Macrolevel Theory and Local-Level Inequality (1.54MB)
The Emerging Roles of County Governments in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas (207kb)
Public Employment, Welfare Transfers, and Economic Well-Being across Local Populations (203kb)

Afternoon: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Mini-Demography Conference on Spatial Demography

Amazonian Deforestation and the Structure of Households: Methodological and Practical Considerations (6.4MB) - Eduardo Brondizio, Panel

Background Reading (password protected):
Deforestation and Land Use in the Amazon (2.5MB)
People and the Environment (10.5MB)
Land Use Patterns on an Agicultural Frontier in Brazil (2.4MB)
Theories Underlying the Study of Human-Environment Interaction (256kb)

Awards Ceremony for Best Participant Presentations and Certificates of Completion from PRI and ESRI.

Wrap-Up (106kb) - Stephen Matthews


Final Reception

Saturday, June 11


Departure Day