This tentative agenda is intended to give applicants an idea of the general format and content of the workshop. It will be modified periodically to provide more detail on the workshop content, instructors, and participants. Also see Software and Data Resources (password protected).
Week One
Sunday, June 19
Morning - Evening
Meal Plan
7:30 - 8:30 am, De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG) except
Sat & Sun, June 25-26: 8:15-9:15am, DLG
Sat, July 2: 7:00-8:15am in Carrillo Dining Commons
Sun, July 3: 8:00-9:00am in Carrillo
11:30 - 1:30 pm, DLG except
Sat, June 25: 12:45-1:45pm in DLG
Sat, July 2: 12:15-1:45pm in Carrillo
5:45 - 7:15 pm, DLG except
Sat, June 25: 6:00-7:00pm in DLG
Sat, July 2: 5:30-6:30pm in Carrillo
Monday, June 20
Morning: 9:00 - 11:45am
Welcome - Keith Clarke (2620 Ellison Hall)
Introductions (860kb) - Don Janelle
Individual PowerPoint Presentations 9:30-11:45am - Research problem, data and spatial analysis issues. Five-minute presentations and 5 minutes of review and Q&A. Discussants: David Carr, Stuart Sweeney, Barbara Herr-Harthorn, others Regionalization from Population Surveys 9:30 -10:30am - Rajib Acharya, Yan Guo, Ann Kim, Julie Dowling, Roderick McCrea Population, Environment, and Epidemiology 10:45-11:45am - William Pan, Alisson Barbieri, Joan Brunkard, Michael Chung, Jacky Jennings
Note: Computer lab logistics and laptop software/data checks to occur on an individual basis throughout the day.
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
Individual PowerPoint Presentations 1:15 -4:45pm Discussants: David Carr, Stuart Sweeney, Barbara Herr-Harthorn, others
Health Risk Assessment and Neighborhood Spatial Effects 1:15 -2:15pm - Anneclaire De Roos, Linda Edelman, Riti Shimkhada, Karen Snedker, Susan Voelker Spatial Inequality and Poverty 2:30-3:30pm - Corina Graif, Cathy Yang Liu, Landy Sanchez, Sonia Martin Spatial Dimensions of Public Policy in Population Research 3:45-4:45pm - Kohei Enami, Lisel O'Dwyer, Bryan Rookey, Kimiko Shiki, Brandon Wall
Group Assignments for Project Consultation and Conference Presentations 4:45-5:15pm
Evening: 5:30 - 7:30pm
Presentations Review Dinner - Faculty Club
Tuesday, June 21
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Exploring GIS Concepts Displaying Data
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Querying your database Working with spatial data
Dinner with workshop instructors (DLG), 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 22
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Working with tables Editing data
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Working with geo-referenced data Presenting data
Free Time
Thursday, June 23
Morning Hike: 6:00am
Hike with Don in the Santa Ynez Mountains
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
The Nature of Spatial Data(5.1MB) - Keith Clarke
Background Reading(password protected):
Identification of Some Fundamental Spatial Concepts (2.4MB)
Data Sources and Access(2MB) - Keith Clarke
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
Individual Projects - In lab with consultants available (Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, and Enki Yoo).
Evening: 7:15pm
Using GIS to Measure Spatial Segregation (5.2MB) - Sean Reardon, Stanford U.
(2620 Ellison Hall)
Background Reading(password protected):
Measures of Multigroup Segregation (157kb)
Measures of Spatial Segregation (266kb)
Friday, June 24
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Space and Place in Population Science Research Methodology: An Introduction to Spatial Analysis (3.6MB) - Stuart Sweeney
GeoDa and R Software - Stuart Sweeney
Background Reading(password protected):
GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (522kb)
Under the Hood. Issues in the Specification and Interpretation of Spatial Regression Models (172kb)
Robust point-pattern inference from spatially censored data (631kb)
A descriptive analysis of discrete U.S. industrial complexes (2.9MB)
spatstat: An R Package for Analyzing Spatial Point Patterns (1.1MB) Links:
Spatial Analysis Lab (Luc Anselin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
SPATSTAT (Adrian Baddeley, University of Western Australia)
STARS (Serge Rey, San Diego State University)
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
An Introduction to GPS (2.6MB) - Keith Clarke
Taking Stock and Thinking Ahead - Participants and Instructional Staff
Lab Exercises with GeoDa and R - Stuart Sweeney, Kathryn Grace, Enki Yoo
Free Time
Saturday, June 25
All Day
Free Time - See the Santa Barbara Solstice Parade. Information on other options will be available. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner available at regular time.
Week Two
Sunday, June 26
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:00pm
Geocaching Team Competition (using GPS) - Sara Fabrikant, Sarah Battersby, and Jeff Hemphill
Information and Links:
USGS GPS Fact Sheet
The Geographer's Craft GPS Page
US GPS base stations network
Low cost GPS
Real World PacMan game
Evening: 5:30pm
BBQ and GPS Project Debriefing - Shoreline Park, Santa Barbara
Monday, June 27
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Mapping social science data: data classification - Sara Fabrikant
Cartographic Process: Communication & Symbolization (16MB) - Sara Fabrikant
Statistical Mapping: Volumetric Data(5.5MB) - Sara Fabrikant
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:30pm
Mapping Exercises - Sara Fabrikant, Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo
Background Reading(password protected):
Sample evaluation criteria for maps (20kb)
The Selection of Class Intervals (1.5MB)
On Grouping for Maximum Homogeneity (593kb)
Map Making for Social Scientists (9.1MB)
Geographical Movement (1.6MB)
Computer Cartograms (219kb)
A Continuous Transformation Useful for Districting Wiley (225kb)
Geographic Area and Map Projections (518kb)
Pseudo-Cartograms (305kb)
Data Classification (2.1MB)
Data Sources:
US Census FactFinder (census data)
ESRI Census Watch (census data portal and information)
ESRI Geography Network (tiger line data and tons of other spatial data) Exercise Material: Example table
Selecting good color schemes for maps
cart/viz links by Slocum et al. (2004) Mapping Exercises:
Downloading map data, processing and classifying (70kb)
Choropleth mapping with GIS (207kb)
Evolving Methods to Involve Neighborhood Context in Alcohol Availability Research (178kb) - Richard Scribner, Louisiana State U., School of Public Health, 9:15-10:00am
Background Reading(password protected):
Geospatial Methods for Core Group Identification (247kb)
Alcohol Outlets, Gonorrhea, and the Los Angeles Civil Unrest (593kb)
Panel - Workshop participants, 10:00-10:30am
Defining Neighborhoods, Collecting Neighborhood Data, and Studying Neighborhood Effects in Los Angeles (430kb) - Narayan Sastry, RAND; LAFANS, 10:45-11:30am
Background Reading(password protected):
The Design of a Multilevel Survey of Children, Families, and Communities (137kb)
Neighborhood Definitions and the Spatial Dimension of Daily Life in Los Angeles (157kb)
Family and Neighborhood Sources of Socioeconomic Inequality in Children ’s Achievement (166kb)
Panel - Workshop participants, 11:30am - 12:00pm
Afternoon: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Conference on Spatial Demography
Putting Place and Space into Demographic Analysis (2.2MB) - John Weeks, International Population Center, San Diego State University, 2:00-2:45pm
Background Reading(password protected):
The Role of Spatial Analysis in Demographic Research (4.9MB)
The Fertility Transition in Egypt: Intraurban Patterns in Cairo (4.9MB)
Panel - Workshop participants, 2:45-3:15pm
Some closing thoughts on the workshop - Don Janelle, 3:15-3:30pm
Awards Ceremony for Best Participant Presentations and Certificates of Completion from CSISS and ESRI. 3:30-4:00pm