Advanced Spatial Analysis

This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005?2013). Current resources in support of
Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:


UCSB 2010 July 12?July 16, 2010: Santa Barbara, CA

Geographically Weighted Regression Agenda

Reading Library

The Library for reading material is at

Note: All Library materials, PDF documents, and participant presentations are password protected for access by workshop personnel and Participants.

Participants should arrive in Santa Barbara on Sunday, July 11th. The first class is in Ellison Hall, Room 2620 at 8:30am on Monday, July 12th. [ Campus Map]

Sunday, July 11

Arrival Day

5:00pm, Dinner. Early arrivals may join instructors for dinner at Carrillo Dining Commons (CDC)

Meal Plan

Breakfast (July 12?17) in Carrillo Dining Commons (CDC) Map

7:00?8:15am, Monday
7:15?8:30am, Tuesday and Friday
8:00?9:00am, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Lunch (July 12?16) in De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG) Map

11:30?1:30pm, Monday?Friday

Dinner (July11?16) in Carrillo Dining Commons (CDC) Map

5:00?6:00pm, Monday, Thursday, Friday

5:30?6:30pm, Tuesday

5:15?6:15pm, Wednesday

Monday, July 12     Lab Sessions are in Workbook2010_CSISSFinal.pdf

8:30?9:30am  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Official Welcome and Introductions?Don Janelle

9:30?10:30am  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Introduction to GWR I?Stewart Fotheringham


Coffee Break

10:50am?12:00pm  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Introduction to GWR II?Stewart Fotheringham

12:00?1:15pm  De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)

Lunch Discussion with Workshop Instructors

1:15?2:00pm  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Software for GWR?Martin Charlton


Mapping and Interpreting the output from GWR?Martin Charlton



3:00?4:00pm  Star Lab (Ellison 2610)

Lab Session 0: Intro to ArcGIS

4:00?5:00pm  Star Lab (Ellison 2610)

Lab Session 1: GWR – Georgia Data

5:00?6:00pm  (Carrillo Dining Commons)

Working Dinner Discussion

IHC McCune Conference Room (6020), Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB) (Bldg #515)

Tuesday, July 13     Lab Sessions are in Workbook2010_CSISSFinal.pdf

9:00?10:00am  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Further Issues in GWR?Stewart Fotheringham

10:00?11:00pm  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Poisson and Logistic GWR Models?Chris Brunsdon, Martin Charlton



11:30?12:30pm  (2620 Ellison Hall)

Extensions of the GWR Approach?Chris Brunsdon

12:30?1:45pm  De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)

Lunch Discussion with Workshop Instructors

1:45?2:30pm  Star Lab (Ellison 2610)

Lab Session 2: GWR ? UK House Price Data

2:30?3:30pm  Star Lab (Ellison 2610)

Lab Session 3: Modelling Mortality Data in Tokyo



4:00?5:00pm  Star Lab (Ellison 2610)

Lab Session 4: Modelling Landslide Occurrence in Colorado

5:30?6:30pm  (Carrillo Dining Commons)


Wednesday, July 14


Hike into the Santa Ynez foothills (optional)?Don Janelle


Geographically Weighted Regression and Kriging: Alternative Approaches to Interpolation?Chris Brunsdon


Multiple Hypothesis Tests?Martin Charlton




Model Selection issues in GWR?Stewart Fotheringham

12:15?1:30pm  De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)

Lunch Discussion with Workshop Instructors


Discussion of Participants’ Data and Groups




Participants work on their own data


Tour of Santa Barbara (optional)?Don Janelle

Thursday, July 15


Participants work on their own data




Participants work on their own data

12:15?1:15pm  De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)

Lunch Discussion with Workshop Instructors


Participants work on their own data




Participants work on their own data

6:00pm  Goleta Beach, Area B

Workshop Debriefing and Dinner with Instructors

Friday, July 16


GWR Workshop Participant Presentations

Peter Christensen, (Yale University) and Gordon C. McCord (Columbia University)
Geographic determinants of city location

Ian Craig and Katherine Chun-Min Lin, (both from Johns Hopkins University)
Title (pending)

Alejandra Ramirez Cuesta, (University of Texas at Austin)
Exploring relationships between poverty and the location of hazardous industries in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires

Christopher S. Fowler, (University of Washington) with workshop support from Fernando Riosmena (University of Colorado at Boulder)
The Geography of Fringe Banking: poverty, race, and the alternative banking industry

Katherine King, (University of Michigan), with workshop support from Sacoby Wilson (University of South Carolina)
Building vibrant streets: implications of the built environment for social organization

Allan Medwick, (University of Pennsylvania) and Sam Liu (Harvard University)
Spatial variation in the relationship between distance to higher educational institutions and achievement rates

Imelda K. Moise, (University of Illinois at Urbana?Champaign) and Diana Ray (University of Southern California)
Neighborhood health & recovery: unattended swimming pools in post-Katrina New Orleans

Sookhee Oh, (University of Missouri?Kansas City) and Yuhong Zhou (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Spatial patterns of ethnic neighborhoods in Los Angeles: The case of Korean population

12:00?1:00pm  De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)

Lunch Discussion with Workshop Instructors


GWR Workshop Participant Presentations

Jesse Plascak, (Ohio State University) and Alan Delmerico, (Buffalo State College)
Diabetes complications in Western New York

Pura Rodriguez de la Vega, and Grettel Castro, (both from Florida International University)
Determinants of self-reported obesity in North Miami Dade

Carla Shoff, (Pennsylvania State University), Heather O&rsquoConnell,
(University of Wisconsin?Madison), and Ashley Arnio (Florida State University)
A County-Level analysis of late or no prenatal care in the United States

Maria Carolina Tomás, (University of California, Berkeley)
Mixed race unions in Brazil: Is space significant for explaining the proportion of mixed race unions in Brazil?

Louisa Holmes, (University of Southern California)
The Dispersion of Latin American Migrants: Recent Settlement Patterns in the Southern USA


Workshop Closing Comments and Certificates?Stephen Matthews and Don Janelle
View the slideshow of the Workshop Participants receiving Certificates
(file is 2.91MB).

Saturday, July 17


Departure Day