This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005–2013).Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:
UCSB 2010 July 12–July 16, 2010: Santa Barbara, CA
Donald Janelle (Email: ) is a Research Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he is Program Director for the Center for Spatial Studies. He is also Professor Emeritus with the University of Western Ontario, where he chaired the Department of Geography for five years and served as Assistant Vice Provost. Janelle holds a BA in Geography from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and a PhD in Geography from Michigan State University. His research interests include space-time analyses of individual behavior, the time-geography of cities, social issues in transportation, and the role of space-adjusting technologies in structuring new patterns of social and economic organization. He is a recipient of the Edward L. Ullman Award for Career Contributions to Transportation Geography and the 2009 Ronald F. Abler Honors Award for Distinguished Service from the Association of American Geographers. Janelle has authored more than 100 journal articles and book chapters, and has co-edited five books, including Information, Place, and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility and Spatially Integrated Social Science. More information about Janelle is available at:
Stephen A. Matthews (E-mail: ) is Associate Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Demography (Courtesy in Geography); Director, Geographic Information Analysis Core at the Population Research Institute, Social Science Research Institute, Penn State. His research focuses on families and neighborhoods in diverse community contexts and the application of GIS and spatial methods in demographic, health and social science research. He serves as PI on both an NIEHS funded quasi-experimental study of neighborhood food environments, diet, and health and an NICHD R25 training grant on advanced spatial analysis. Matthews has served on numerous NIH review panels including Community Influences on Health Behavior (CIHB), special panels (e.g., Cancer and GIS; Infrastructure for Data Sharing and Archiving) and on the editorial board of Health and Place (1994-2004) and American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2005-present). He was PI on the initial GIS and Population Science (GISPopSci) training grant (2005-2007). More information about Matthews is available at:
A. Stewart Fotheringham (E-mail: ) is Science Foundation Ireland Research Professor and Director of the National Centre for Geocomputation at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He has previously held positions at the University of Newcastle (U.K.), SUNY Buffalo, the University of Florida, and Indiana University. He obtained his Ph.D. and MA degrees in Geography at McMaster University in Canada and his BSc in Geography at Aberdeen University in Scotland. Professor Fotheringham's research interests are in the analysis of spatial data and he has published eight books, including the classic text on geographically weighted regression (Fotheringham, Brunsdon, and Charlton, 2002), and 100+ articles. He is an editor of Transactions in GIS and has grants totaling over $5 million. He has conducted GWR workshops in 10 countries and on four continents. More information about Fotheringham is available at:
Martin Charlton (E-mail: ) is senior research associate at the National Center for Geocomputation at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He is an expert in the use of GIS and spatial statistics and has been a leading researcher in this area for over 20 years. He previously was a lecturer in GIS at the University of Newcastle, U.K. Charlton, together with Fotheringham and Brunsdon, is one of the originators of geographically weighted regression, for which he has written much of the software (including versions of the GWR software that run under UNIX and code for GWR in R). More information about Charlton is available at:
Chris Brunsdon (E-mail: ) is Professor and Chair of Geographic Information in the Department of Geography at the University of Leicester, U.K. Prior to his current appointment he was Reader in Spatial Analysis at the University of Newcastle, U.K., and Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Glamorgan, U.K. His primary interests include the methodologies underlying spatial statistical analysis and geographical information systems, and their application in a number of subject areas; in particular the analysis of crime patterns, house prices and health related data. He has published extensively in the areas of spatial analysis and visualization as well as co-authoring two books with Fotheringham and Charlton. He is one of the developers of geographically weighted regression, a technique of analysis that models geographical variations in the relationships between variables. Brunsdon has written code for GWR in R. He has co-presented in a number of workshops on GWR as well as R. He has successfully obtained a number of grants in the U.K. from the Economic and Social Research Council and the Home Office. As well as interests in the spatial analysis of social data, he has worked on GIS and spatial analysis of environmental data (the analysis of rainfall, hydrology and luminescence data). More information about Brunsdon is available at:
Teaching Assistants and Project Consultants
Frank Davenport
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Indy Hurt
GIS, lab consultant
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ashley Arnio Affiliation: Florida State University Research Interest: Criminology
Grettel Castro Affiliation: Florida International University Research Interest: Statistics
Peter Christensen Affiliation: Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
Ian Craig Affiliation: Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Research Interest: Health Sciences
Alan Delmerico Affiliation: Center for Health and Social Research, Buffalo State College Research Interest: Geography
Christopher Fowler Affiliation: University of Washington Research Interest: Geography
Louisa Holmes Affiliation: University of Southern California Research Interest: Geography
Katherine King Affiliation: University of Michigan Population Studies Center Sociology Research Interest: Sociology
Katherine Chun-Min Lin Affiliation: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Interest: Epidemiology
Sze Liu Affiliation: Harvard University Research Interest: Epidemiology
Gorden McCord Affiliation: Columbia University Research Interest: Economics
Allan Joseph Medwick Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Research Interest: Public Administration
Imelda Moise Affiliation: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Research Interest: Geography
Heather O'Connell Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Madison Research Interest: Sociology
Sookhee Oh Affiliation: University of Missouri-Kansas City Research Interest: Sociology
Jesse Plascak Affiliation: Ohio State University College of Public Health Research Interest: Epidemiology
Diana Ray Affiliation: University of Southern California Research Interest: Social Work
Alejandra Ramirez Cuesta Affiliation: LBJ School of Public Affairs University of Texas at Austin Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
Fernando Riosmena Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder Research Interest: Demography
Pura Rodriguez de la Vega Affiliation: Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Research Interest: Statistics
Carla Shoff Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, Population Research Institute Research Interest: Rural Sociology
Carol Tomás Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Research Interest: Demography
Sacoby Wilson Affiliation: University of South Carolina Research Interest: Epidemiology
Yuhong Zhou Affiliation: University of North Carolina at Charlotte Research Interest: Geography