Charles Booth: Mapping London's Poverty, 1885-1903
Walter Christaller: Hierarchical Patterns of Urbanization
Grady Clay: The Reading of the American City, 1973.
Alice Coleman: Design Disadvantagement, 1985
Patrick Doreian: Modeling Sociological Processes Using Spatially Distributed Data
Constantinos Doxiadis: Ekistics, 1968
Vernor C. Finch: The Fractional Code for Land Use Mapping, 1933.
Robert W. Fogel: The Argument for Wagons and Canals, 1964.
Joel Garreau: Edge Cities and the Nine Nations of North America
Peter Gould and Waldo Tobler: An Experiment in Geo-Coding
Zvi Griliches: The Diffusion of Hybrid Corn Technology, 1957
Edward T. Hall: Proxemic Theory, 1966
Torsten H�gerstrand: Time Geography.
Mark Jefferson: Civilizing Rails, 1928.
Florence Kelley: Slums of the Great Cities Survey Maps, 1893
Hans Kurath: Linguistic Atlas of the United States
Valdimer Orlando Key: Mapping Southern Politics, 1949
Colin Loftin and Sally K. Ward: Application of Spatial Autocorrelation in Sociology
Kevin Lynch: City Elements Create Images in Our Mind, 1960
Bronislaw Malinowski: Identifying the Kula Ring of the Trobriand Islanders
Henry Mayhew: London Labour and the London Poor, 1861
Ian McHarg: Overlay Maps and the Evaluation of Social and Environmental Costs of Land Use Change
Melinda S. Meade: Medical Geography and Human Ecology, 1977
Charles Joseph Minard: Mapping Napoleon's March, 1861
Robert Park and Ernest Burgess, Urban Ecology Studies, 1925
Pablo Picasso: Cubism - A Revolution of Spatial Presentation in Artistic Expression (with parallels in cartography)
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy): Representation, Understanding, and Mathematical Labeling of the Spherical Earth
Friedrich Ratzel, Clark Wissler, and Carl Sauer: Culture Area Research and Mapping
Ernest George Ravenstein: The Laws of Migration, 1885
Ellen Churchill Semple: The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains, 1901
Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay: The Social Disorganization Theory
Georg Simmel: The Sociology of Space
G. William Skinner: Marketing in Rural China, 1964-65
Lou Skoda and J.C. Robertson: The Isodemographic Map of Canada, 1972
John Snow: The London Cholera Epidemic of 1854
Alma and Karl Taeuber: Residential Segregation in U.S. Cities, 1965
Charles M. Tiebout: A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures, 1956
Edward Tufte: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 1983
Johann-Heinrich von Th�nen: Balancing Land-Use Allocation with Transport Cost
Sam Bass Warner: Modeling the Streetcar Suburbs, 1962
Alfred Weber: Theory of the Location of Industries, 1909
Gordon R. Willey: Settlement Patterns in Archaeology
John Kirtland Wright: Early Quantitative Geography, 1937
Lotfi Zadeh: Fuzzy logic-Incoporating Real-World Vagueness